
For the last several weeks we have been talking about the “volunteer line” and how it is increasingly difficult for congregational leaders to recruit participants for the activities and organizations under their umbrella. Sometimes, church board members, pastors, and/or those active in churches see this...

Last week, we examined the painful truth of most congregations large and small:  no one is standing in line behind you to take your volunteer role when you are ready to lay it down.  Going deeper still, a good follow-up question is:  why do we...

If there was a time in church life when “Time and Talent Forms” and Sunday morning appeals for new program leaders actually worked, those days are surely over. No one is standing in line behind you to take your church role. Congregations today find themselves with plenty...

Church Boards have a significant challenge—actually a series of significant challenges—when it comes to inviting volunteers to help with all aspects of a congregation’s ministry.  Keep in mind that this should never be a “let’s fill this hole in our org chart” kind of endeavor.  It...

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