Our Christian Ministry Podcast

As a part of our commitment to creating a national support system for pastors, ministries, and congregations. Our cohort and immersion programs pioneer this promise to improve community engagement, but our Christian podcast is a great supplemental tool to use.

We cover topics such as preaching, racial justice, community, and the cultural attitude towards congregation. With this resource, you’ll feel more immersed and supported during your journey of building up your own community. Take a look below to hear some of our most recent ministry podcast publications. If you’re looking for more resources, check out our Blog and Webinar pages.


Your Soul Must Prosper: A Conversation with Simbo Ige

Program Staff Amy Valdez Barker and Adam Mixon speak with Dr. Olusimbo Ige (Commissioner, Chicago Department of Public Health) about compassion as her “why”, building trust across differences, and how she sees her public health work as ministry. This conversation is part of our ongoing…

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Love and Courage: A Conversation with Leon Stevenson and Barry Jones

Executive Director Mark Ramsey continues our “When Politics Is Upstream of Faith” series, speaking with the Rev. Leon Stevenson (Mack Avenue Community Church, Detroit) and the Rev. Dr. Barry Jones (Irving Bible Church, TX) about their advice for younger pastors, what we can learn from…

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Leading with the Law of Love: More with Jennifer Lusher and Dave Feltman

Content Curator Adam Mixon continues his conversation with the Revs. David Feltman and Jennifer Lusher (Family Promise, New Ministry Strategies) speaking about the importance of seeking “the common good”, the difficulty of confronting false gospels, and why we need to read Scripture in diverse community….

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We Should Be Representing Christ: A Conversation with Johannes George

Program Staff Amy Valdez Barker and Adam Borneman speak with the Rev. Johannes George (St. Mark’s Episcopal, Houston) about his harrowing escape from the civil war in Sierra Leone, what that experience taught him about betrayal and trust, and his wisdom for the American context…

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Nothing Is Bigger Than God: More with Allen Hilton

TMC Staff Beth Daniel and Adam Mixon extend their conversation with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton (House United) about building robust discipleship; exegeting both text and congregation; and what leadership looks like, called for such a moment like this. This conversation continues our series “When…

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Have Some Audacity: A Conversation with Allen Hilton

TMC Staff Beth Daniel and Adam Mixon continue our series “When Politics Is Upstream of Faith” with the Rev. Dr. Allen Hilton (House United) about shaping a concern for a shared future, the risk that civility is linked to privilege, and being shaped by what…