Executive Director Mark Ramsey speaks with the Rev. Carrie Graham (The Church Lab) about the growing sentiment against dialogue, her work with people who don't like church, and the emerging post-COVID yearning for something beyond ourselves....
Executive Director Mark Ramsey speaks with the Rev. Carrie Graham (The Church Lab) about the growing sentiment against dialogue, her work with people who don't like church, and the emerging post-COVID yearning for something beyond ourselves....
Pilgrimage Formation Curator Ryan Bonfiglio shares his reflections on Philippians, Howard Thurman, and resilience. This writing originally appeared on our blog in December....
Over the next several weeks, as a follow to our recent Roundtable Podcast (Check it out if you haven’t already: What's at Stake?), we will be reflecting on the question, “What’s at Stake?” We are surveying our experiences over the last several years in an attempt...
The Ministry Collaborative program staff (Jennifer Maxell, Mark Ramsey, Ryan Bonfiglio, Adam Mixon, and Adam Borneman) kick off the year talking about the nature and purpose of the church, the shape of our calling, and how quickly ministry can devolve into constituent services....
Program Director Adam Borneman and Program Curator Jennifer Watley Maxell speak with the Rev. Brady Radford (Trinity Presbyterian, Decatur; Lovewell Collective) about resilience, resets, and the strengthening power of community....
Program Director Adam Borneman speaks with Jennifer Pharr Davis (Blue Ridge Hiking Company) about resilience, her record breaking hikes, ecological stewardship, and the importance of recovering on the move....
I subscribe to lots of church newsletters, emailed weekly. With these subscriptions often come daily advent devotionals. You know the drill: miscellaneous members and pastors and staff write a short devotional, usually on a Biblical text (that may be referenced in the devotional…or not) and...
One of the challenges for those who serve on church boards is that, well, it is all so church-focused. The people in church ask you about the progress of this church thing or the problem with that church thing. You talk with your fellow leaders...
The Ministry Collaborative program staff (Jennifer Maxell, Ryan Bonfiglio, Adam Borneman, Adam Mixon, and Mark Ramsey) talks about vulnerability, redundancy, and how the faithful community models what resilience looks like....