Author: Elizabeth Lynn

Elizabeth Lynn

Podcasts By Elizabeth Lynn

Last week, we approached the idea of curiosity as an essential resource for growth and depth. Curiosity can be a high challenge in times of anxiety, stress, division, and strife.  It is understandable to see curiosity as a ‘nice option’ for normal times, dispensable in stormy times.  Scripture,...

This seems to be the season of “more” in many churches.  Either folks want more, need more, or lament they don’t have more. What we really need to thrive are more young people. Or young families. Or more babies and kids (especially the kind that don’t make noise...

Somewhere along the way, most of us have heard part of the myth of Icarus. The part we have heard usually involves the ingenious inventor Daedalus and his son Icarus, who are trapped together on the island of Crete.  Seeking a way off the island, Daedalus crafts wings for...

  The mind fits the world and shapes it as a river fits and shapes its own banks. -Annie Dillard (Living by Fiction) I would love to live  Like a river flows,  Carried by the surprise  Of its own unfolding.  -John O’Donohue (“Fluent”) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do...

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