
Change is a word often surrounded by flashing caution signs for church boards.  Mention “change” and you just know someone will be upset.  (Curiously, we often overlook the upset caused by our failure to consider change.) Change in the congregational context can be like atomic...

Chances are, if you find yourself scrolling through cable channels late at night, you will come across a 1950s sitcom filmed in grainy black and white and called The Honeymooners. It starred Jackie Gleason, one of the biggest stars of stage and screen in those...

At first glance, the title of the Harvard Business Review article “Managers Can’t Do It All” elicited the response, “Well, Who on Earth Can?” The article summarizes so many shared feelings of this moment:  everything out of control, one-time work satisfactions seeping away, the erosion...

Writing in this space in 2018, we took a remarkably calm and measured tone:  A congregation of any size has within it those who do not agree with one another socially, politically, theologically. What does belonging to one another in a church mean when the...

  This week, a story from The New York Times reports: The United States is enduring its most severe increase in traffic deaths since the 1940s.  By 2019, the annual death rate from crashes was near its lowest level since cars became a mass item...

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