Author: Elizabeth Lynn

Mark Ramsey

Podcasts By Mark Ramsey

For most of us, surprises are overrated.  Just ask your fellow board members how much they really enjoy surprise parties.  Life as we like it thrives on certainty.  We are better able to sleep at night if we expect to awaken to a world that...

Our post two weeks ago, on the fact that most Americans feel like they are on “the losing side” of politics, garnered many responses.  Pastors and lay leaders told us they are struggling with the ways tribalism is causing tension and division in their churches. ...

Entering our local gym, we hear the same instructions every time.  “Stretching helps prevent bad things and enables good things – lean into it!” Despite this regular refrain, stretching remains an underappreciated practice in exercise, in life … and in how pastors and church boards guide...

Church boards have limited time and energy after addressing staffing, budgets, buildings, schedules, and the semi-regular concerns coming from members.  However, congregational leaders do have the opportunity, upon occasion, to change the categories of conversation within a faith community.  This election year may present one...

Digging a Deeper Well has taken an extended holiday break. What started out as a few weeks off over Christmas and New Year’s became one month, and then two, thanks to work, travel, the ACC basketball schedule, and other essential events. But somewhere in the...

Ministry Collaborative program staff (Adam Borneman, Adam Mixon, Beth Daniel, Mark Ramsey) discuss our wariness around grace in community; the offensive nature of grace's radical message; and the need for church leaders to receive grace ourselves, since it's all we have to offer. Read the original...

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