Author: Mark Ramsey

Mark Ramsey

Podcasts By Mark Ramsey

[embed][/embed] A happy discovery for congregations of all shapes and sizes in the first year of the pandemic was that new people sought them out for online worship, book discussions, and other activities.  These people joined in for any number of online offerings, yet they remain...

Is it true that, if you were stranded on a desert island and could only eat parsley, you would die of starvation, since the effort to eat it is more than the nutrition you would receive? When I ask about the presence of parsley on a...

New York Times restaurant critic Pete Wells recently posted an article titled “What People Missed Most About Restaurants.  (It Wasn’t the Food.).”  The article’s subtitle serves up his main point: “it’s clear that the magic ingredient was the random thrill of seeing other people.” As...

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