What Now?

TMC Digging A Deeper Well

Our colleagues at RootedGood are offering a terrific tool to help pastors and church boards navigate the challenging decision making that is inherent in ministry today as we seek to be faithful to the urgent demands of the moment.  Though Digging a Deeper Well is taking a brief summer hiatus, we wanted to get you information as soon as possible.

We’ll let the RootedGood folks describe their project and they provide the links below as well.  We cannot recommend them highly enough – they are thoughtful, imaginative, faithful, and attuned to what faith communities need.  Please check them out!

– Mark Ramsey and Elizabeth Lynn


What Now?

A Tool for Congregations to Plan in the Age of COVID-19


It is a profoundly challenging time for pastors and lay leaders in congregations. There is so much uncertainty and no shortage of opinions about what ‘should’ be done – all in a highly politicized environment. Has decision-making ever been harder?

While pastors and leaders are inundated with many excellent lists and ideas of things they should and shouldn’t do or try, there is currently little in the way of tools to equip leaders with processes to enable them to make better decisions, inspire creativity, and generate consensus.

In response to this urgent need, RootedGood have created What Now? – a free-to-download tool designed for moments like this. This decision making tool helps leaders understand and map the changing needs and constraints, consider their resources and design new ways to respond to the challenges and opportunities they face.

– Shannon Hopkins, Mark Elsdon and Mark Sampson

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