Note: Throughout the summer we are revisiting posts of the past year, grouped around common themes. We will return with new entries right after Labor Day.
There is so much in congregational life that pulls us – pastors, staff, and church boards – to look down and in. Inside the walls. Down into the details. We know we need to look up and out, but the tyranny of the urgent thwarts us. In most faith communities, there is a Mission Committee (called by many different names) whose stated job is to look up and out. However, even Mission Committees can get pulled “down and in” as they go about their work.
Helping the part of church charged with Mission/Outreach/Service stay ‘up and out’ has been the focus of several recent posts. Each attempts to expand imagination for the responsibilities of Mission Committees, their conceptions of their work, and their settings and strategies for getting it done.
Deeper, Wiser Mission Committees
Four Traditions of Philanthropy: A Guide for Mission Committees
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