“I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1
Our lives are full of constantly shifting circumstances, disruptions, and potential distractions. The one thing that is likely never to change is the reality that everything will and does eventually change…everything that is except God. For people of faith, we have this constant comfort that in a world where everything is passing away, God remains the same! God’s character is perfect; God’s essence is without flaw. God does not change. Regardless of the fleeting nature of our circumstance, the fickleness of the human heart, and the unpredictability of our lives – we have this comfort – God is…
God is all wise, all seeing, all knowing, ever present, and never changing; God is loving and just, merciful and righteous, gracious and generous. Because of who God is, we may be confident in all things, and in every circumstance. Because of who God is, our sincere worship is always appropriate! Because of who God is, God is ever worthy of our very best praise! Is it possible that we bless God, despite our circumstances? God will surprise us with the joy of Divine presence and God will comfort us!
Who will go with me? I love you all and pray God’s choicest blessings upon you and all whom you love! Make today great!
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