Ministry is incredibly – and increasingly – complex. Let’s name this and own it. AND let’s keep going. There’s too much at stake, and your calling to ministry matters. It’s having a ripple effect that will extend beyond what you assume or imagine. You’re planting seeds for trees that will shade generations well after yours. Friends, keep going. The Lord is with you. And so are we.
“This is a God-given opportunity for every pastor and every congregation that follows Jesus Christ. In countless corners of our culture, people are seeking what, at their best, faith communities offer. Experiences of the transcendent. Creative disruption. Community. Narratives of meaning. Safety. Welcome. Resilience. Hope.”
– Mark Ramsey
“Friends, we have been presented with a golden opportunity to go deep with those who are returning to church or maybe even coming for the first time. Let’s not misinterpret the moment. I believe our task is to meet people where they are and to join them on their journey toward an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.”
– Jennifer Watley Maxell
“We already have everything that we need. Even in losses we are not lacking. Owing to the inexhaustible power, the ever-abiding presence, and the unfailing promises of God – we have everything that we need! Yes, this is a stressful time … Yes, bad news is making its circles … Yes, we are tired … But God is faithful, and God’s grace is enough!”
– Adam Mixon
Measuring the Things That Matter
“What if we dared to imagine different metrics? What if we stopped questioning if the data from Barna is right and instead asked if they (or we) are using the right data? What if we established new metrics that emerged from some of our deepest theological convictions, such as the incarnation, resurrection, kenosis, loving the stranger, shalom, divine pathos, or the fruits of the Spirit?”
– Ryan Bonfiglio
“Ministry is incredibly – and increasingly – complex. Let’s name this and own it. AND let’s keep going. There’s too much at stake, and your calling to ministry matters. It’s having a ripple effect that will extend beyond what you assume or imagine. You’re planting seeds for trees that will shade generations well after yours. Friends, keep going. The Lord is with you. And so are we.”
– Adam Borneman
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