Every detail works to your advantage and to God’s glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!
2 Corinthians 4:15
Sometimes when you are born into dysfunction, you just learn to live with things. Sometimes when you are confronted with chronic ailments you just learn how to manage them. Sometimes when you are dealing with some long-term issue, it redefines what your ‘normal’ looks like – and you learn to ‘just live with it.’ Resignation, settling, surviving – for many of us, this becomes our mantra, our modus operandi…
This morning, however, I rejoice in the healing grace of Jesus Christ. I rejoice in the gaps in the clouds that allow for the sun to shine in our lives. These exquisite moments, though sometimes few and far between, are a “foretaste of glory divine” but I submit they are not as rare as we typically perceive.
When we allow God’s love to bathe our lives in light, we are immediately confronted with how troubled, sick, and dysfunctional things have been – but then we are freed as we discover God has been at work and is ever at work on our behalf and for our perfecting. (Wholeness from the inside out is God’s desire for us and we mustn’t settle for less than that.) Accept the help of God through His Holy Spirit even as He works through others on your behalf! All are instruments in God’s hands – even when they don’t know! He is sovereign!
Accept the surprise of joy, the gift of peace, and the promise of healing; don’t discard the message because of the messenger, and don’t disparage good medicine because you don’t like the physician. Don’t turn aside from help because it comes in a way that you did not expect – the Lord works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.
Is this not the lesson we learn from the cross? It is to our advantage and for God’s glory!
I love you all and I pray that you have an outstanding day. Be kind to yourselves!
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