Macedonian Ministry is excited to announce that MM’s First International Cohort; St. Andrews, Scotland, held their opening cohort meeting on Tuesday, September 8th, from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
There was an openness and honesty in the group that would have been unthinkable six months ago. The cohort used the MM approach to Bible Study, using the call of Jeremiah to reflect on their own calling. There were gems of stories shared of seasons of brokenness, and of God’s redemptive touch. The cohort celebrated God’s gentle persistence with them in calling them, often over long years, and God’s faithfulness in holding them through it all. They took away words of confidence from Jeremiah’s experience of God’s call to him despite his inadequacy.
Cohort members included:
Peter Neilson (Mentor), Arthur Christie (Mentor), Ann Allison, Jim Campbell, Cameron Harrison, Lynn Brady, Allan McCafferty, Emma McDonald, Margaret Rose, Jane Barron
Watch Video
Rev. Arthur Christie and Rev. Peter Neilson of Scotland discuss how Macedonian Ministry has helped both their ministries and congregations.
Building Bridges with Macedonian Ministry from Macedonian Ministry on Vimeo.
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