“Proclaim the word!” the apostle Paul exhorted Timothy, “And be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable.”
Well, what sort of time are we in?
Where does preaching, proclamation, and witness to the gospel intersect with the people of communities in this extraordinary moment?
How do we navigate the various mediums and avenues of proclaiming the word when congregations are unable to gather?
What is the unique word of promise that only the church can offer the world right now?
And how will we receive God’s word of promise and experience God’s grace ourselves, even as we carry that word into the lives of those who are anxious, worried, and fearful?
Tom Long and Donyelle McCray are two extraordinarily deep and insightful scholars and leaders who will lead us through a dynamic hour of conversation on how this moment leads all of us to share and receive the gospel promises amid challenge and opportunity.
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